Mr. Michael Itzhar Belachovsky

Honorary President

In 2022, Mr. Michael Itzhar Belachovsky was appointed Honorary Consul of Portugal in Israel, Tel-Aviv District.

The former Chairman of the Israel Portugal Chamber of Commerce holds rich experience from his years of activity in the Prime Minister’s Office. For many years, he has operated a business in the private sector in the field of security consultancy and marketing advanced technologies.

In recognition of his public activities as Chairman of the Chamber of commerce, and his work towards strengthening ties between the countries, Mr. Itzhar Belachovsky received the “Officer of the Order of Commercial Merit” title from the Portuguese President. Mr. Itzhar Belachovsky also served as Vice Chairman of the Haifa University Board of Governors. During the time he worked to advance academic research and assisted in establishment of the Leon Charney Marine Research School.

ב-2022 מונה מיכאל יצהר בלחובסקי לקונסול כבוד של פורטוגל בישראל, מחוז תל אביב.

נשיא לשכת המסחר ישראל-פורטוגל בדימוס, מחזיק באמתחתו ניסיון עשיר משנות פעילותו במשרד ראש הממשלה. במשך שנים רבות פועל במגזר הפרטי בתחום הייעוץ הביטחוני ושיווק טכנולוגיות מתקדמות.

כהוקרה על פעילותו הציבורית כנשיא לשכת המסחר ישראל-פורטוגל, ועל פועלו לחיזוק הקשרים בין המדינות, קיבל מר מיכאל יצהר בלחובסקי אות כבוד מנשיא פורטוגל.

מר יצהר כיהן גם כסגן יו”ר מועצת הנאמנים של אוניברסיטת חיפה. בתקופה זו הוא פעל לקידום המחקר האקדמי וסייע בהקמת בית הספר למחקר ימי של ליאון צ’רני.

Mr. Michael Itzhar Belachovsky’s main activities over the years

  • Offering full support and cooperation on activities held in the Israeli and Portuguese embassies
  • Actively empowering business connections and trade between the two countries, including enabling Israeli companies and small businesses to penetrate the Portuguese market and Portuguese companies to gain a foothold in the Israeli market
  • Participated at an unforgettable Presidential function hosted by the late Israeli President, Mr. Ezer Weizmann, together with the late Portuguese President, Mr. Mario Soaresh, and the late Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Itzhak Rabin
  • Led parliamentary delegations to Portugal headed by Israeli ministers including the Minister of communications, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Trade & Industry
  • Hosted Portuguese parliamentary delegations in Israel to strengthen the bond and relationship between the two countries
  • Conducted a seminar together with the Portugal-Telecom consortium for over 30 telecommunication companies in Portugal
  • Supported Israel’s El Al and Portugal’s TAP airlines and achieving the renewal of direct flights between Tel Aviv – Lisbon following 20 years of non-operation
  • Sponsored cultural and gastronomic events and promoted Portuguese wine in Israel. The latter led to increased Israeli imports and reciprocal exports of Israel wine to Portugal